Scientific days GDR ELiOS 25-26 September 2024

The ELIOS research group (GDR : group de recherche) :

The ELIOS research group (GDR) aims to forge links and create exchanges between the different French research players in the field of non-linear optics in optical fibers and waveguides in the broad sense, including integrated optics, whether at the fundamental or applied level.


The 2024 Scientific days :

After the doctoral school which took place in the fall of 2023, we are happy to invite you to the 2024 scientific days which will take place in Bordeaux on September 25 and 26, 2024. These annual days aim to structure the French community working in associated themes with the following key words:optical fibers, integrated optics, non-linear effects, solitons, modulation instability, rogue waves, supercontinuum, parametric processes, Brillouin and Raman effects, quantum optics, telecommunications by optical fibers, fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, short pulses, dynamic characterization complexes, applications in biophotonics.

 Call for contributions :

The call for contribution is open. Oral and poster contribution are planed.

 All presentations will be given in English


Please use the following template : ici.

Submission deadline : July 5th 2024 => The submission is extended up to July 12th 2024

Acceptance notification : July 16th  2024

Registration deadline : August 28th  2024

Personnes connectées : 1 Vie privée